
This 1.5 - 2 hour webinar usually features speakers and panelists from the ASEAN region who engage each other in sharing real-world clinical cases and best practices in cardiac imaging and echocardiography. 
Cardiomyopathy Imaging Vignettes and Case Studies
July 30, 2021 (Friday); 8:00 - 9:03 PM SGT and PHT (GMT+8)
Breaking Free of the Echo Chamber: Prosthetic Valves Part 2
June 24, 2021 (Thursday); 7:30 - 9:00 PM SGT and PHT (GMT+8)
This webinar featured panelists from the ASEAN region who engaged each other in stimulating and highly collegial discussions. The session was led by Prof. Zee-Pin Ding and Prof. Lieng Hsi Ling. More than 500 participants registered for the session. The event was co-organized by the Singapore Cardiac Society and supported by Fujifilm. 
From now until 25th July 2021, the recording will be available on-demand on Zoom. Do register (for free) and key in the password for access: 1Ubd=GMv
Breaking Free of the Echo Chamber: Prosthetic Valves Part 1
April 29, 2021 7:30 - 9:00 PM SGT and PHT
This 1.5 hour webinar featured 6 panelists from the ASEAN region who engaged each other in stimulating and highly collegial discussions. The session was led by Prof. Ling, who shared great clinical cases in assessment of prosthetic valves. More than 300 virtual attendees logged in to enjoy the session. The event was supported by Fujifilm. 
ASEAN Echo Dialogues 4-29-21 b.png
Watch the on-demand recording (available only for one month until May 30)
Do register and key in the password for access: @ASEANEcho2021



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